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Building an ecosystem for development of Robotics and AI sector

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m1 200,000+

MSMEs to benefit I 4.0 Technologies from GRAPES

m2 10,000+

Tech Startups to Sustain and Scale up Business

m3 5000+

Institutes to Setup STEM Labs

m4 2000+

Colleges to Setup Industry - 4.0 Center of Excellence

m5 5 Millions +

Youth to be Certified on Robotics Skills

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Debut of Startup Dangal at Startup Mahakumbh 4.0: Vetdiag Genomix Emerges as Winner

Debut of Startup Dangal at Startup Mahakumbh 4.0: Vetdiag Genomix Emerges as Winner

The grand stage was set, and the spotlight shone on the best...

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